Map of Austria

Map of Austria
Road Trip!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One Thing Off My Bucket List, Then It's Arrivederci Roma!

I must be looking more and more like a local! Got stopped for directions four times while in Rome. Twice I actually knew the answer! Also, I can successfully cross a no light eight lane intersection and live to write about it! And today, I got to check a big one off my bucket list: a visit to the Vatican and the Vatican Museum!!

The Sistine Chapel and Sait Peter's is more beautiful than I ever imagined! It just leaves me speachless! I took a gazzillion pictures of absolutely everything! Getting the chance to see Apostle Peter's tomb along with Pope John Paul's was a bit emotional. After the class tour, I hung out at the Bascilica for several more hours, soaking it all in. I even had the chance to attend noon mass there! I will post pictures from this and the pyramid trip when I get wi-fi.

I took a final trip to the Trevi Fountain in the early evening to see it lit up! Also to toss a coin over my left shoulder so it guarentees my return trip to Rome.

I ended the evening stopping in to check Italia's version of McD. It did have a couple unique things on the menu that you don't see in the US. But one thing that's different, is that it is "extra" for ketchup!! 20 cents Euro which translates to about 35 cents US. Just seems wrong! Don't the Italians like to drench their fries in the wonderful red stuff as much as I do?

Tomorrow we leave for Sienna which is only a one day stop en route to Florence. Both towns have ridiculously expensive wi-fi so unless I can find a wi-fi cafe it will be a few days before I post again. Then I will play catch up and fill everyone in! Pictures will be up then too and I will also post a slide show when I get a bit more organized.



  1. So impressed with your pictures! And so glad you are aving the time of your life, Alice! Love Castle Saint Angelo pic of the funeral procession route...

  2. Thanks Gwen! Saved for a new camera for the once in a life time trip. Wish you could click on the pictures to see 'em bigger! The sites I've seen so far are incredible! Brings those history books to life! When I get to a free wi-fi spot later in the week, I will put up a slide show with more pics after I set up a fliker or shutterbug acct.
